Tuesday, July 3, 2012


   I just found out today that my state insurance covers full med., dental, and vision! As I said in my last post, I'm prego w/ the 4th child, and lets face it, having babies reeks havoc on a woman's body. Anyways, I was just so thrilled, I had to shout it from the rooftops!

   On a different note, my oldest son Angel was on Skype talking to his dad, and neither one of us knew how to make the sound work (and yes it was on ;-P). Does anyone know how to rectify that?

   I know I'm going to hate that I have to go to the store tomorrow, because we all love having to stand in line for an hour trying to checkout. If you're one of the many people that will be BBQing tomorrow, and aren't exactly sure what you want to make, here are some suggestions!

Cubed steak or chicken (make sure the chicken has already been precooked in a skillet)
Red and, or green bell peppers
Onions (optional)

Season w/ salt or celery salt, black pepper, and any of your other favorite seasonings. If you choose to do chicken, when precooking in skillet, sprinkle w/ ground ginger as it keeps chicken from drying out. If steak, use a little meat tenderizer to keep it from getting tough. Make an average of 2 per person.

If you're a steak lover as I am, this is pretty easy! Just grab your favorite cut of steak, and season w/ salt or celery salt, pepper, meat tenderizer, and a pinch of garlic. As you're cooking that to the desirable temp., have a skillet of red and green peppers, and onions going. If you want your peppers and onions to stay crisp, use in dry skillet; as for sauteed, put a little butter in skillet. You can serve w/ baked potatoes, salad, baked beans, or whatever you love! I personally enjoy this w/ potato or egg salad....yummy yummy!

Have a fun day, and I'll probably write a post of what I made for everyone.

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